Querying the Virginia Kidd Agency

We are open to query submissions during the following US time zone periods:

  • The third week of January,
    Monday through Friday
  • The third week of March,
    Monday through Friday
  • The second week of May,
    Monday through Friday
  • The third week of August,
    Monday through Friday
  • The second week of November,
    Monday through Friday
  •   Note that a "week" as used here is a period of workdays beginning with Monday and ending with Friday, even if incomplete. So for instance, if a month begins on a Wednesday, then that Wednesday, Thursday and Friday comprise the first week. See the example calendar above. ⬆

    Query periods open at 12:01 AM EST on Mondays, and close at 11:59 PM PST on Fridays.

We seek quality fiction and specialize in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Contact us when we are open for submissions with an email that includes a brief message, your bibliography, and any relevant industry information (co-authored works, previous representation, awards, nominations.) Include a brief synopsis and the first 1-3 chapters. All of this as text in the body of your email. Make certain the word "query" is present in the email's subject line.

  •   We do not open queries with attachments of any kind.
      For instance, queries containing images, PDFs, or Word documents will automatically cause your query to be discarded.
      Sending multiple queries causes earlier queries to be discarded.
      You will lose your previously established place in line.
      Cold queries sent outside of the above periods will be discarded.
  •   Your query must follow basic industry guidelines [found here] or your query will not make it past the first round and will be discarded without reply.
  •   If your query is for a work that is unfinished, or that has been self-published, we will not consider it.
  •   AI/automated content generation of any kind will cause immediate rejection.

We answer as many submissions as we can possibly fit into our schedule. This can take months. Please don't check in with us on your query's status. (Most publishers and agents consider the lack of a reply to be a "No" or only accept mailed submissions, so please consider our workload.) We accept queries via industry professional referrals year-round. If this is an avenue you can utilize, please do.

We have a rich history of starting authors' careers from the outset, so we do not limit our clientlist to referred authors or published authors only. However, we must limit the amount of new careers to foster. If you find yourself among those authors on our list, you'll understand why.

During the open-for-queries dates above, send your query to: subs@vk-agency.com

Thank you — and best of luck!
The Virginia Kidd Agency, Inc.

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