VKA selected works list for Phil Klass

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Novel:Title: Of Men And Monsters
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Des hommes et des monstres [French]
Also as Von Menschen und Monstren [German]
Also as Gli uomini nei muri [Italian]

Novel:Title: Dancing Naked: the Unexpurgated William Tenn
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Hugo Best Related Book award nomination (2005)

Novelette:Title: The Masculinist Revolt
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as La révolte des mâles [French]
Also as Masculinist Revolt
Also as La révolte masculiniste [French]
Also as La révolte masculiste [French]
Also as La rivolta dei maschilisti [Italian]
Nebula Best Novelette award nomination (1966)

Novelette:Title: On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Wir haben einen Rabbi auf der Venus [German]
Locus Best Novelette award nomination (1975)

Short story:Title: Consulate
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Everybody Loves Irving Bommer
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Alle Welt liebt Irving Bommer [German]

Short story:Title: Bernie the Faus
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Bernie [German]
Also as Benie le Faust [French]
Also as Bernie, novello Faust [Italian]

Short story:Title: Time in Advance
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Châtiment payé d'avance [French]
Also as Pagamento anticipato [Italian]
Also as Paiement d'avance [French]

Short story:Title: Lisbon Cubed
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Conflits interplanétaires [French]
Also as Lisbona al cubo [Italian]
Also as Paradies der Spione [German]

Short story:Title: Will You Walk a Little Faster
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Das Angebot [German]
Also as Lokaas [Dutch]
Also as Wollt ihr nicht ein bißchen schneller gehen? [German]

Short story:Title: The House Dutiful
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Das Robothaus [German]

Short story:Title: The Last Bounce
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as De Laatste Sprong [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Custodian
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Der Bewahrer [German]
Also as Il custode [Italian]

Short story:Title: Errand Boy
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Der Botenjunge [German]

Short story:Title: The Human Angle
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Der menschliche Standpunkt [German]

Short story:Title: The Sickness
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as De Ziekte [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Lemon-green Spaghetti-loud Dynamite-dribble Day
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Did Your Coffee Taste Funny This Morning?

Short story:Title: The Liberation of Earth
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Die Befreiung der Erde [German]
Also as La libération de la Terre [French]
Also as De Bevrijding van de Aarde [Dutch]
Also as La liberazione della Terra [Italian]

Short story:Title: Sanctuary
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Droit d'asile [French]
Also as Asyl in der Zukunft [German]
Also as Asiel [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Tenants
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Drôles de locataires [French]
Also as Die neuen Mieter [German]
Also as Drôles de locataires [French]

Short story:Title: A Man of Family
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Ein Mann mit Familie [German]

Short story:Title: Firewater
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Firewater!
Also as Vuurwater [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Remarkable Flirgleflip
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Flirgleflip
Also as Der Flirgelflipper [German]
Also as n flirgleflipologue de géni [French]

Short story:Title: The Men in the Walls
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Gli uomini nelle caverne [Italian]
Also as Les hommes dans les murs [French]
Hugo Best Short Fiction award nomination (1964)

Short story:Title: The Malted Milk Monster
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Il Mostro di Cioccolata [Italian]
Also as Un monde en chocolat [French]
Also as Das Eiskrem-Ungeheuer [German]

Short story:Title: Down Among the Dead Men
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Im Reich der Toten [German]
Also as Commandant de morts-vivants [French]
Also as Unter Toten [German]
Also as Tussen De Doden [Dutch]
Also as Descente au pays des morts [French]

Short story:Title: The Deserter
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Intelligenza col nemico [Italian]
Also as Le déserteur [French]
Also as Der Deserteur [German]

Short story:Title: Child's Play
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Jeu d'enfant [French]
Also as Gioco per bambini [Italian]
Also as Der Menschenbaukasten [German]
Also as Kinderspiel [German]
Also as Kinderspel [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as La gloire de Morniel Mathaway [French]
Also as La scoperta di Morniel Mathaway [Italian]
Also as Besuch aus dem Jahre 2487 [German]
Also as Grüße aus dem Jahr 2487 [German]
Also as La soudaine gloire de Morniel Mathaway [French]
Also as Comment fut découvert Morniel Mathaway [French]

Short story:Title: The Dark Star
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as La gloire refusée [French]
Also as tella oscura [Italian]
Also as Der Marsflug [German]

Short story:Title: Eastward Ho!
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as La ruée vers l'Est [French]
Also as Das freie Land [German]
Also as Naar het Oosten, Joho! [Dutch]

Short story:Title: The Ghost Standard
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as La Sentenza Ghost [Italian]

Short story:Title: The Jester
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Le farceur [French]

Short story:Title: The Flat-eyed Monster
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Le monstre aux yeux plats [French]
Also as Il mostro dagli occhi piatti [Italian]
Also as Das flachäugige Monster [German]
Also as Das flachäugige Ungeheuer [German]

Short story:Title: Null-p
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Le règne de la norme [French]
Also as Null-P [German]
Also as Un système non-P [French]
Also as Het Gulden Gemiddelde [Dutch]

Short story:Title: Betelgeuse Bridge
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Les escargots de Bételgeuse [French]
Also as Besuch vom Beteigeuze [German]

Short story:Title: Party of the Two Parts
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Le tout et la partie [French]
Also as Der Zweigeteilte [German]

Short story:Title: A Lamp For Medusa
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Medusa Was a Lady!

Short story:Title: Wednesday's Child
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Mittwochs Kind [German]

Short story:Title: Me, Myself, And I
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Moi, moi et moi [French]

Short story:Title: It Ends With a Flicker
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Of All Possible Worlds
Also as Le choix d'un monde [French]
Also as Die bessere Welt [German]

Short story:Title: Brooklyn Project
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Projectos Brooklyn [Portuguese]
Also as Das Projekt Brooklyn [German]
Also as Project Brooklyn [Dutch]

Short story:Title: Project Hush
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Pst! Feind hört mit! [German]
Also as Progetto zitti [Italian]
Also as Unternehmen Pst [German]

Short story:Title: Generation of Noah
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as The Quick and the Bomb
Also as La génération de Noé [French]
Also as Noahs Kinder [German]
Also as La generazione di Noé [Italian]

Short story:Title: Winthrop Was Stubborn
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Time Waits for Winthrop
Also as Winthrop aimait trop le XXVe siècle [French]

Short story:Title: Venus Is a Man's World
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Venere è un mondo di maschi [Italian]
Also as Dames seules, destination Vénus [French]
Also as Vénus est un monde fait pour l'homme [French]

Short story:Title: Venus And the Seven Sexes
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Vénus et les sept sexes [French]

Short story:Title: The Servant Problem
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Votre tout-puissant serviteur [French]
Also as Il problema della servitù [Italian]
Also as Das Dienerproblem [German]
Also as De Dag van Totale Macht [Dutch]

Short story:Title: She Only Goes Out At Night
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Ze Gaat Alleen Maar's Nachts Uit [Dutch]

Short story:Title: Alexander the Bait
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Confusion Cargo
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: The Discovery of Morneal Matheway
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Dud
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: The Girl With Some Kind of Past. And George.
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Hallock's Madness
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: The Ionian Cycle
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: A Matter of Frequency
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Mistress Sary
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: My Mother Was a Witch
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: The Puzzle of Priipiirii
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: Ricardo's Virus
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Short story:Title: There Were People On Bikini, There Were People On Attu
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Chapbook:Title: Project Hush
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Collection:Title: The Seven Sexes
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Das Robothaus [German]

Collection:Title: The Human Angle
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Der menschliche Standpunkt [German]

Collection:Title: Of All Possible Worlds
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Mundos Posibles [Spanish]
Also as Mögliche Welten [German]

Collection:Title: The Wooden Star
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Null-P [German]

Collection:Title: Time in Advance
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Also as Tiempo Anticipado [Spanish]
Also as Die Welt der Zukunft [German]

Collection:Title: Vuurwater
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Collection:Title: Here Comes Civilization: the Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume Ii
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Group:The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn
Locus Best Collection award nomination (2002)

Collection:Title: Immodest Proposals: the Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Group:The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn
Locus Best Collection award nomination (2002)

Collection:Title: The Square Root of Man
Writing as:
    William Tenn
Review:Title: Dr. Arnoldi (1998) By Tiffany Thayer
Writing as:
    William Tenn

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