To make a publishing-related inquiry about one of these specific works we represent for Frank Belknap Long,
just click the work's title in the list below to send us an email.
Novel: | Title: Space Station 1 | (Ace double, double bound with Empire of the Atom by A.E. Van Vogt)
Novel: | Title: The Horror From the Hills | (Arkham House,1963); expanded edition as Odd Science Fiction (1964)
Novel: | Title: ...and Others Shall Be Born | (bound with The Thief of Thoth by Lin Carter)
Novel: | Title: Ghor Kin-slayer | (Long has one episode in this round-robin sequence; Necronomicon Press, 1997)
Novel: | Title: Lest Earth Be Conquered | (reissued as The Androids, Tower Books, 1969)
Novel: | Title: Mission To a Distant Star | (Satellite SF magazine serial in 5 parts)
Novel: | Title: The Shape of Fear Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long | (the author's pseudonym "Lyda Belknap Long"' was misprinted on the cover as "Lydia Belknap Long")
Novel: | Title: Crucible of Evil Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: Fire of the Witches Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: The Horror Expert |
Novel: | Title: House of the Deadly Nightshade Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: It Was the Day of the Robot |
Novel: | Title: Journey Into Darkness |
Novel: | Title: Legacy of Evil Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: The Lemoyne Heritage Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: Mars Is My Destination |
Novel: | Title: The Martian Visitors |
Novel: | Title: The Mating Center |
Novel: | Title: Mission To a Star |
Novel: | Title: Monster From Out of Time |
Novel: | Title: The Night of the Wolf |
Novel: | Title: Rehearsal Night |
Novel: | Title: So Dark a Heritage |
Novel: | Title: Survival World |
Novel: | Title: This Strange Tomorrow |
Novel: | Title: The Three Faces of Time |
Novel: | Title: Three Steps Spaceward |
Novel: | Title: To the Dark Tower Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: The Witch Tree Writing as: Lyda Belknap Long |
Novel: | Title: Woman From Another Planet |
Novella: | Title: Operation: Square Peg | With Irving W. Lande
Novella: | Title: ... And Others Shall Be Born |
Novella: | Title: The Electronic Frankenstein Affair |
Novella: | Title: The Hollow World |
Novella: | Title: The Horror From the Hills |
Novelette: | Title: Bridgehead | Also appeared as The Temporal Transgressor
Novelette: | Title: Return of the Undead | with Otis Adelbert Kline
Novelette: | Title: And We Sailed the Mighty Dark |
Novelette: | Title: Beyond the Vortex |
Novelette: | Title: Carnival of Crawling Doom |
Novelette: | Title: Cottage Tenant |
Novelette: | Title: The Ether Robots |
Novelette: | Title: Homecoming |
Novelette: | Title: The Horror At Cut-off Cove |
Novelette: | Title: Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall |
Novelette: | Title: The Infants From Hell |
Novelette: | Title: In the Lair of the Space Monsters |
Novelette: | Title: Invaders From the Outer Suns |
Novelette: | Title: Made To Order |
Novelette: | Title: The Man With a Thousand Legs |
Novelette: | Title: The Miniature Menace |
Novelette: | Title: Red Moon |
Novelette: | Title: Riddle of the Deadly Paradise |
Novelette: | Title: The Roaring Blot |
Novelette: | Title: The Snake God Kills |
Novelette: | Title: The Space-eaters |
Novelette: | Title: Spawn of the Red Giants |
Novelette: | Title: Throwback in Time |
Novelette: | Title: To Follow Knowledge |
Novelette: | Title: Two Against Neptune |
Novelette: | Title: Two Way Destiny |
Novelette: | Title: White Barrier |
Novelette: | Title: The World of Wulkins |
Short story: | Title: A Guest in the House | Also appeared as Guest in the House
Short story: | Title: The Black, Dead Thing | (Also appeared as Second Night Out)
Short story: | Title: Census Taker | Also appeared as The Census Taker
Short story: | Title: The Eye Above the Mantel | (also appeared as: The Eye Above the Mantle)
Short story: | Title: Golden Child | Also appeared as The Golden Child
Short story: | Title: The Body-masters | Also appeared as The Love-Slave and the Scientists
Short story: | Title: The Vapor Death | (Also appeared as The Robot Empire)
Short story: | Title: The Challenge From Beyond | with Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt and C. L. Moore
Short story: | Title: Alias the Living |
Short story: | Title: And Someday To Mars |
Short story: | Title: Atomic Station |
Short story: | Title: The Autumn Visitors |
Short story: | Title: The Beast-helper |
Short story: | Title: Black Demons Dance |
Short story: | Title: The Black Druid |
Short story: | Title: The Black Vortex |
Short story: | Title: The Blue Earthman |
Short story: | Title: The Brain-eaters |
Short story: | Title: Brown |
Short story: | Title: The Calm Man |
Short story: | Title: Castaways in Two Dimensions |
Short story: | Title: Cigarette Characterization #4 |
Short story: | Title: Circle of Youth |
Short story: | Title: Collector's Item |
Short story: | Title: Cones |
Short story: | Title: The Corpse's Alibi |
Short story: | Title: The Cottage |
Short story: | Title: Courtship of the Vampire |
Short story: | Title: The Creeper in Darkness |
Short story: | Title: The Critters |
Short story: | Title: A Dangerous Experiment |
Short story: | Title: Dark Awakening |
Short story: | Title: The Dark Beasts |
Short story: | Title: Dark Command |
Short story: | Title: Dark Vision |
Short story: | Title: Death-waters |
Short story: | Title: The Desert Lich |
Short story: | Title: Destination Unknown |
Short story: | Title: The Devil-god |
Short story: | Title: Diploma Time |
Short story: | Title: Discovery Time |
Short story: | Title: The Dog-eared God |
Short story: | Title: Dr. Whitlock's Price |
Short story: | Title: The Dweller in Outer Darkness |
Short story: | Title: The Elemental |
Short story: | Title: Escape From Tomorrow |
Short story: | Title: Exiles of the Stratosphere |
Short story: | Title: Fatal Thoughts Writing as: Leslie Northern |
Short story: | Title: Filch |
Short story: | Title: Fisherman's Luck |
Short story: | Title: The Flame Midget |
Short story: | Title: Flame of Life |
Short story: | Title: Fuzzy Head |
Short story: | Title: Galactic Heritage |
Short story: | Title: Gateway To Forever |
Short story: | Title: Giant in the Forest |
Short story: | Title: Giants in the Sky |
Short story: | Title: The Gift of Lycanthropy |
Short story: | Title: The Glory Flight |
Short story: | Title: The Golden Calf |
Short story: | Title: Good To Be a Martian |
Short story: | Title: Grab Bags Are Dangerous |
Short story: | Title: The Great Cold |
Short story: | Title: Green Glory |
Short story: | Title: Harvest of Death |
Short story: | Title: The Heavy Man |
Short story: | Title: He Came At Dusk |
Short story: | Title: The Horizontals |
Short story: | Title: The Horror in the Hold |
Short story: | Title: The Hounds of Tindalos |
Short story: | Title: The Hounds of Tindalos |
Short story: | Title: The House of Rising Winds |
Short story: | Title: If You Don't Watch Out |
Short story: | Title: In the Tomb of Semenses |
Short story: | Title: Invasion |
Short story: | Title: It Will Come To You |
Short story: | Title: John Dee's Necronomicon: a Fragment |
Short story: | Title: Johnny On the Spot |
Short story: | Title: Lake of Fire |
Short story: | Title: The Last Men |
Short story: | Title: Lesson in Survival |
Short story: | Title: The Lichen From Eros |
Short story: | Title: A Lion in Your Lap Writing as: Frank Doty |
Short story: | Title: Little Men of Space |
Short story: | Title: Long, Long Ago |
Short story: | Title: Lost Planet |
Short story: | Title: Lover in the Wildwood |
Short story: | Title: The Malignant Invader |
Short story: | Title: The Man From Nowhere |
Short story: | Title: The Man From Time |
Short story: | Title: Manhunt |
Short story: | Title: Man of Distinction |
Short story: | Title: The Man the Martians Made |
Short story: | Title: The Man Who Died Twice |
Short story: | Title: Martian Homecoming |
Short story: | Title: Maturity Night |
Short story: | Title: Men Who Walk Upon the Air |
Short story: | Title: The Mercurian |
Short story: | Title: Mind Out of Time |
Short story: | Title: The Mississippi Saucer |
Short story: | Title: Mr. Caxton Draws a Martian Bird |
Short story: | Title: Museum |
Short story: | Title: The Necronomicon, John Dee's Translation |
Short story: | Title: Night-fear |
Short story: | Title: The Ocean Leech |
Short story: | Title: The Pearl Robber |
Short story: | Title: The Peeper |
Short story: | Title: The Plague From Tomorrow |
Short story: | Title: Plants Must Grow |
Short story: | Title: Plants Must Slay |
Short story: | Title: Preview |
Short story: | Title: Prison Bright, Prison Deep |
Short story: | Title: Prisoners in Flatland |
Short story: | Title: Problem Child |
Short story: | Title: The Purple Dusk Writing as: Leslie Northern |
Short story: | Title: The Rajah's Grandmother |
Short story: | Title: Rebirth |
Short story: | Title: The Red Fetish |
Short story: | Title: Red Storm On Jupiter |
Short story: | Title: The Refugees |
Short story: | Title: Rehearsal Night |
Short story: | Title: Satellite of Peril |
Short story: | Title: Sauce For the Gander |
Short story: | Title: The Sea Thing |
Short story: | Title: The Shadow Dwellers |
Short story: | Title: Shadow Over Venus |
Short story: | Title: Skyrock |
Short story: | Title: Skyrover Writing as: Leslie Northern |
Short story: | Title: The Sky Trap |
Short story: | Title: Snapdragon |
Short story: | Title: The Soaring |
Short story: | Title: Son of His Father |
Short story: | Title: Spawn of the Further Dark |
Short story: | Title: The Spectacles |
Short story: | Title: The Spiral Intelligence |
Short story: | Title: Star Comrades |
Short story: | Title: The Stellar Vampires |
Short story: | Title: Step Into My Garden |
Short story: | Title: A Stitch in Time |
Short story: | Title: Temporary Warp |
Short story: | Title: They Sculp Writing as: Leslie Northern |
Short story: | Title: The Thought Materializer |
Short story: | Title: The Timeless Man |
Short story: | Title: The Timeless Ones |
Short story: | Title: Time Trap |
Short story: | Title: The Trap |
Short story: | Title: Two Face |
Short story: | Title: The Unfinished |
Short story: | Title: The Vibration Wasps |
Short story: | Title: A Visitor From Egypt |
Short story: | Title: The Were-snake |
Short story: | Title: We, the Invisible |
Short story: | Title: When the Rains Came |
Short story: | Title: Willie |
Short story: | Title: Wobblies in the Moon |
Short story: | Title: Woman Out of Time |
Short story: | Title: Woodland Burial |
Short story: | Title: You Can't Kill a Ghost |
Short story: | Title: Young Man With a Trumpet |